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Chil Jang is the seventh Taegeuk Form introduced in Tae Kwon Do. Taegeuk Form 7: Chil Jang applies the principle of "Gan". Gan is defined as "top stop" and commonly represented by the immovable mountain. To move forward and stop when required is the governing teaching of Gan.
Chil Jang is the seventh Taegeuk Form introduced in Tae Kwon Do. Taegeuk Form 7: Chil Jang applies the principle of "Gan". Gan is defined as "top stop" and commonly represented by the immovable mountain. To move forward and stop when required is the governing teaching of Gan.
Il Jang is the first pattern of Taegeuk, its actions are associated with the first of the eight palgue Keon. Il Jang, exhibits Keon on its forms. Keon is the beginning of everything on earth and the source of its creation.
Ee Jang is the second Taegeuk Form. Ee Jang applies the principle of "Tae" which means joyfulness. The principle of Tae is manifested through a clear and relaxed mind. It is a state where a Tae Kwon Do student's mind is kept firm and appears gentle in order for smiles and virtue to prevail.
Sam Jang is the third Taegeuk Form introduced in Tae Kwon Do. Sam Jang applies the principle of the plague "Ri". Ri represents fire or the center of the solar system, the sun. The principle of Ri is exposed through a Tae Kwon Do student's enthusiasm in practice. A burning fire brings light, warmth and enthusiasm in practice.
Sa Jang is the fourth Taegeuk form to be introduced to a Tae Kwon Do student. The plague "Jin" is the applying principle of taegeuk form Sah Jang. Jin is symbolized by thunder, noise without substance. It represents bravery and steadfastness. The principle of Jin suggests that one should act calmly bravely in circumstances of fear and danger.
Oh Jang is the fifth Taegeuk form introduced to a Tae Kwon Do student. "Seon" is the applying principle of Taegeuk Form 5: Oh Jang. Seon represents wind, substance without noise. The concept of Seon is a subtle nature, but pure, without any evil. Oh Jang symbolizes the humble state of mind and expressed through repetitive good natured actions.
Yook Jang is the sixth Taegeuk Form. Taegeuk Form 6: Yook Jang utilizes the principles of "Gam" and is represented by Water. Water if liquid and formless, it never loses its nature. Water continuously flow around and absorbs all things thrown unto it. Gam seeks to teach the lesson of self-confidence.
Chil Jang is the seventh Taegeuk Form introduced in Tae Kwon Do. Taegeuk Form 7: Chil Jang applies the principle of "Gan". Gan is defined as "top stop" and commonly represented by the immovable mountain. To move forward and stop when required is the governing teaching of Gan.
Pal Jang is the eighth and final Taegeuk form to be introduced in Tae Kwon Do. Taegeuk form 8: Pal Jang applies the principles of Palgue "Gon". Gon symbolizes earth. It is described as completely receptive. Earth is always wordless, it sustain and grow everything.
Koryo poomsae symbolizes "Seonbae" which means a learned man, who is characterized by a strong martial sprit as well as a righteous learned man's sprit. The sprit had been inherited through the ages of Koryo.
Instruction- 50 Hours Assistant to Head Instructor
Other Forms: Geum Gang, Tae Baek, Pal Gae 1-8
Forms: ITF 1-12, Pyong Won, Sip Jin, Po-Eun, Gae Baek, Yoo Sin, Creative Weapons Form and Creative Open Form. Instruction- 100 hours of classroom teaching as assistant or main instructor
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